Photo de If a current FFL contract is up at 31 yrs old, could he get waiver for SF since hes only 1yr over limit to join?

If a current FFL contract is up at 31 yrs old, could he get waiver for SF since hes only 1yr over limit to join?

1 réponse
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since your actie in FFL, and its part of french army if ur contract is up at 31 yrs old can you get a waiver to join SF its only 1 yr over limit? given your a great operator ?

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Zachary Y. a posé une question à Armée de Terre

Catégorie: Description de Poste

Date: lundi, mai 25, 2020

Dernière révision: mardi, mai 26, 2020

Sergent David A.

Opérateur des Forces Spéciales

FFL is a particular part of the French army and more precisely of the ground forces. There is no way to shorten a contract with them and there is no direct link between FFL and ground forces. So, if you really want to join us, you'll have to first sign up for the Army at least or directly for the SF but you must have the French nationality first and realize great performance at your selection tests. Good luck !

mardi, mai 26, 2020

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