if I'n in the foreign legion until im 31 years old could i join the special forces? or no because im over 30
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just want to know if its possible because id be in legion when im 30 getting out shortylt after
Zachary Y. a posé une question à Armée de Terre
Catégorie: Éligibilité
Date: lundi, mai 25, 2020
Dernière révision: lundi, mai 25, 2020
Sergent David A.
Opérateur des Forces Spéciales
Hello Zachary,
Unfortunately, it's not that simple. If you choose to sign up for the Foreign Legion, it's for at least 5 years and if you are older than 30, I think that it won't be possible for you to join the Special Forces.
Perhaps, I'm wrong so go to an information center and army recruitment to be sure, they will have your answers.
Good luck to you !
lundi, mai 25, 2020
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